
Gita Chapter Seven

In chapter Seven Lord explained the illusory nature of material existence in material world and the intransient nature of sensual pleasure derived from thoughts and actions connected to material objects as distinguished from the permanently peaceful existence of Self Realized state. In such a state, an individual submits all his actions and thoughts to God without reservation and complete faith and devotion.
Verse 7.1- 7.30
By practicing yoga with full awareness of and faith in God and the mind completely and exclusively attached to God, the Yogi acquires full knowledge about God. And, there is nothing further to know once the Yogi has acquired knowledge about God. Of the many thousands of people, only one may endeavor for perfection to know about God, and of those who have achieved perfection in the practice of Yoga to know God, hardly one comes to know the whole truth about God. Earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intellect and ego are the eight separate components of God’s material manifestation. God’s superior form of manifestation is inside the living beings struggling with their material nature and sustaining the universe. God resides in the origin and dissolution of all that is material and all that is spiritual in this world. There is no Truth superior to God as everything and everyone is attached to God just as pearls are strung on a thread. God is the taste of water, the light of the sun and the moon, the word Om in the Vedic mantras, the sound in ether, the ability in man, the original fragrance of the earth, the heat in fire, the life of all that lives, the penances of all ascetics. the original seed of all existences, the intelligence of the intelligent, the prowess of all powerful men, the strength of the strong, sex in passion and desires.
All the basic characteristics or Gunas of being like goodness, passion and ignorance are manifested by God’s power. God in essence is everything and yet independent not influenced by these Gunas of material nature. Deluded by the three Gunas of Satva, Rajas and Tapas, the whole world fails to know the inexhaustible God. The three Gunas are also God’s creation and difficult to overcome. Those who completely surrender to God easily transcend the Gunas to acquire knowledge about God and become free and independent like God. The grossly foolish among men do not surrender to God and thus remain under the illusion of the three Gunas that act as a veil to hide the True Knowledge.
Four kinds of pious men render devotional service to God: the distressed, the desirer of wealth, the inquisitive, and the seeker of knowledge of the Absolute. Of these, the best is the wise one in full knowledge is in union with God through pure devotional service: God is the dearest to such a wise person as is the person very dear to God. Such persons who know God as the ultimate cause of all causes are very rare and are found once among many generations of humans born in successive generations. The minds distorted by material desires in accordance with the varying composition of the Gunas imparted in various persons by the God may surrender to and worship various demigods. But it is the ultimate God residing in each heart that influences the person’s devotion to particular form of demigod. But all devotions to varying deities and demigods are responded to by the same unique ultimate God who bestows the benefit of any kind of worship to the worshipper. The results of worshipping demigods are limited and when the worshiper understands the knowledge of God and worships Him, the worshipper merges with God, the unlimited and inexhaustible. Inadequate intelligence leads to the belief in limited form and personality of God: persons with such intelligence cannot acquire the knowledge of the complete truth about inexhaustible, changeless God as the supreme. God created illusion of Maya keeps human beings to remain foolish and unintelligent and unable to discover the true nature of God as the unborn and infallible.
God is the complete knowledge of all - everything that happened in the past, all that is happening in the present, all that are yet to happen and all living entities; none has the complete knowledge about God. All living beings are born into delusion, and suffer the bondage of desire and hate. Persons freed from the duality of delusion, engage themselves in God’s service with determination. Intelligent persons seeking liberation from old age and death take refuge in God through devotional service. They come to acquire knowledge about everything transcendental and result-motivated activities. When they know God as the governing principle of the material manifestations, as the one underlying all the demigods and as the one sustaining all sacrifices, they can, with steadfast mind, understand and know God at some point in their lives.

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